Let’s face it. Most newer real estate agents still balk at the idea of cold calling expired listings to earn their supper. However, as any experienced real estate agent will tell you, great expired listing scripts and well-practiced objection handlers are worth their weight in gold.
As with most real estate wisdom, there’s even a oft-used quote that sums it up: “It’s better to be someone’s first love, second spouse, or third real estate agent.” Why? People never forget their first love, but they make a ton of mistakes with their first spouse and first two real estate agents.
That third real estate agent? Your clients may end up having a relationship with you for the rest of their lives. To help you lock in your position as their third (and final) real estate agent, check out these expired listing scripts and objection handlers from some of the best in the industry:
Download Expired Listing Scripts
1. Sean Moudry’s Expired Listing Introduction Script
AGENT: Hi, this is [your name] and I was wondering if your home is still for sale?
[First Scenario]
HOMEOWNER: Yes, still for sale. Why do you ask?
AGENT: The reason I ask is because your home has shown up on the Multiple Listing Service as an expired listing. This means that it is showing that it is no longer for sale.
I am a real estate agent in the area. I specialize in working with homes that didn’t sell the first time. Even some of the best homes don’t sell the first time.
The reason I am calling is to set a meeting with you to show you my unique approach to get houses SOLD!
Are you available for 20 minutes for today at ________?
[Second Scenario]
HOMEOWNER: No, it’s not for sale.
AGENT: Did you sell the house?
HOMEOWNER: Yes, I already sold my house.
AGENT: Congratulations! Did you find a replacement home?
[Third Scenario]
HOMEOWNER: We decided not to sell [or to rent it…to wait…and so forth].
AGENT:If you were to have sold, where were you moving? If we brought you an offer today for a price acceptable to you, would you look at it?
AGENT: That’s why you need to meet me. So there is still a desire to sell?
The reason I am calling is to set a meeting with you to show you my unique approach to get houses SOLD!
Are you available for 20 minutes, today at ________?
Why This Script Works
First of all, Sean gets right to the point in this script. Most people, myself included, can instantly tell when they’re being sold to over the phone. That means waffling around with phony small talk will probably ruin your chances—and fast. You’re a salesperson. OWN IT!
[First Scenario]
HOMEOWNER: I am going to use the same agent.
AGENT: Great! Can I ask, didn’t they give it 100% the first time? What are they going to do this time that they didn’t do the last time?
I respect that you are loyal and you want to give them another chance.
Let’s do this … I will come to visit the property and meet you. I will show you what I do to get homes sold, and I may share with you something you can use even if you decide to stay with the same agent.
[Second Scenario]
HOMEOWNER: We have already selected another agent. OR: I am going to use a friend/family member.
AGENT: Great! Have you signed the listing contract yet?
If you were to get surgery, you would get a second opinion, right? Well, this isn’t surgery, but it could be financial surgery on your wallet!
Let’s do this … I will come to visit the property and meet you. I will show you what I do to get homes sold, and I may share with you something you can use even if you decide to work with the other agent.
[Third Scenario]
HOMEOWNER: We are going to wait. OR: We are going to rent.
AGENT: I understand. If I brought you an offer today, would you look at it?
[Fourth Scenario]
HOMEOWNER: No. [They may instinctually respond with “No,” so you may need to restate the question.]
AGENT: If I brought you a full-price offer today, you wouldn’t even look at it?
[Fifth Scenario]
HOMEOWNER: Yes, we would look at it. Do you have a buyer?
AGENT: So there’s some interest in getting the property sold now! My marketing is always driving buyers. In fact, we have a database of active buyers looking for homes.
Let’s do this … I will come visit the property to see if the features of the property match the criteria of any of our buyers.
THE CLOSE INSIDER TIP: If you need a great source for expired, FSBO, preforeclosure leads, and more that’s been providing real estate agents leads since 2003, you need to check out REDX. Not only is REDX a great source for leads, they also have an auto-dialer called VORTEX that will up your call efficiency and help you talk to more leads (up to 400% more) per hour.
2. April Hunter’s Ice Breaker Script
April Hunter, Atlanta Realtor
AGENT: Hey, I’m not sure if you can help me, I’m actually calling about [property address].
HOMEOWNER: Uh, yeah how can I help you?
AGENT: I was calling to see if that was still listed by Ashley.
HOMEOWNER:: No, we took it off the market
AGENT: Great, I am a local real estate agent and I was calling about the house for sale and I just saw you took it off the market. I was wondering, when are you going to interview agents again for the job of actually getting it sold?
HOMEOWNER: It’s been hard for us with so many people coming to see it so we’re probably going to keep it off the market for another few months.
AGENT: Let me just ask you, if the property had sold, where would you have moved next.
Why This Script Works
Asking for help right at the start instantly disarms the homeowner and puts them in the driver’s seat of the conversation. While that might seem counterproductive, it’s actually a clever way to build rapport with a stranger quickly. In psychology, this is known as the Ben Franklin Effect. Asking a stranger for a favor, no matter how small, generally tends to make them like you more.
3. Kevin Ward’s Best Expired Listing Script Ever
Kevin Ward, Founder, Yesmasters.com
Why This Script Works
An old classic, Kevin Ward’s expired script forms the backbone of most scripts you’ll come across. Once you hear it, it’s clear why it’s so popular. It’s very conversational, it focuses on asking questions rather than selling while still controlling the conversation, and it slowly leads the seller into accepting an appointment.
4. Kimberly Olbrich’s Ice Breaker Script
AGENT: Hi, I noticed your home shows on my computer as an expired listing. I was just curious, when are you planning on interviewing for the right agent to sell your home?
[Wait for a response.]
Why This Script Works
It may not sound like it, but this is actually an open-ended question to get them to open up and talk about their home. Did you miss it? Read the script again. Note how she asks when they are planning on interviewing the right agent for their home.
5. Eric Jon Melnikoff, Keller Williams: Expired Listing Script Live Call
Why This Script Works
What I love most here is that although he’s clearly using a script, he’s able to adapt and change it depending on the lead’s responses. You can also tell that he not only did his research for the listing, but figured out a core issue with the marketing (the lack of pictures) to start his call with. Note how this question kind of threw the lead off guard.
He also manages to repeatedly mention how he markets properties better without sounding like he was bragging. He also doesn’t just lay his cards on the table, but continually says that he does things differently. This is a great example of building intrigue in order to get an appointment.
This is crucial to getting appointments. If your voice sounds deflated or nervous, getting that appointment can be an uphill battle. Standing up helps reduce pressure on your diaphragm to project your voice better. Movement also helps some people think better, literally “on their feet.”
Expired Voicemail Scripts
Since the homeowners you call will inevitably have lives, chances are you won’t get a live person on the phone every time you call an expired listing. Some agents panic and hang up when they get sent to voicemail, but smart agents recognize the opportunity a voicemail offers them. So the next time you get voicemail, here are seven quick and easy expired voicemail scripts to try:
- Hi, this is [your name] and I’m calling about the house you had for sale at [listing address]. You can reach me at [your cell phone number].
- Hi, this is [your name] from [your brokerage]. I noticed something unusual about the listing you had for sale on the MLS at [listing address]. Can you call me back at [your cell phone number] to talk about it?
- Hi [their first name], this is [your name] from [your brokerage]. I’m just calling to offer you a few free ideas to get your listing sold for a great price. The market has changed a lot since [when the listing first went up] and I have a strategy to take advantage of it. You can reach me at [your cell phone number].
- Hi [their name]. I know you’re probably getting a ton of these calls, but I just wanted to let you know I’ve been watching your listing at [their address] for [how long the listing was active] and I wanted to tell you about five missed opportunities to sell your previous agent missed. You can reach me at [your phone number].
- Hi, I’m calling about your listing in the MLS that was just taken off the market. I’d love to walk you through my seven-point home marketing plan that has led to [number] of my listings just like yours selling for over ask this year. You can reach me at [your cell number].
- Hi [their name]. This is [your name] from [your brokerage] and I wanted to offer you a chance to ask my team any questions you might have about getting your home sold over ask this year. You can reach me at [your cell phone number].
- Hi, this is [your name] and I am really surprised your listing at [their address] didn’t sell for over ask in this market. If you have five minutes I’d love to walk you through my seven-point marketing plan that I know can get your home sold quickly and for top dollar. You can reach me at [your cell phone number].
General Expired Strategies & Objection Handlers
Now that you’ve seen some great examples of how to guide the conversation and get those listings, let’s take a deeper dive into the hardest part of cold calling: dealing with the inevitable objections your leads will have.
Before we get started, let’s look at Kevin’s general objection strategies for expired listings:
Learn to Break the Ice With Tough Expired Listings
- Understand where they’re coming from: Listen to what they say and pay attention to their feelings
- Repeat and affirm: Let them know you’re hearing them, which also gives you time to think
- Ask questions about what they want, and offer solutions: Direct the conversation to how you can help them solve their problem
- Don’t give up: You’re a problem-solver
Check out the full video below:
Getting to Yes: 12 Expired Objection Handlers From the Pros
1. ‘We aren’t quite ready yet, we need to finish a couple of projects around the house before we put it on the market.’
From real estate coaching legend Tom Ferry:
AGENT: I agree that making sure the house is up to par is important, and you probably didn’t realize how little effect it will have on securing a buyer.
Let’s get your home listed for sale, get some of the top brokers inside to show the house, and get their feedback. The good news is you’ll find out exactly what projects you don’t have to do and the ones you need to do while we’re in the escrow period.
It sure would be nice to not have to spend a dime to get your home sold, wouldn’t it?
Great, which would be better for you, tonight at 6 or 7:30?
2. ‘We’re Not Putting It Back on the Market’
From real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris
AGENT: Ms. Seller, I appreciate the fact that you decided to put your house back on the market, but let me ask you a very quick question. If there was a buyer for your home, the perfect, non-contingent, pre-approved, great buyer, and this buyer would pay your asking price and close in 30 days or less, Mr. Seller, this is the buyer you had been hoping for. You would at least consider selling the home to this buyer, wouldn’t you?
3. ‘I think we’re going to sell to Zillow (or any other iBuyer)’
From Kimberly Olbrich
AGENT: I’m not sure, but what I’m hearing when you say that is that you are willing to pay a commission, but you’re looking to save some money. Is that what I’m understanding?
Wait for the homeowner to agree.
You just want to sell your home. Exactly! My concern for you, though, is that you’re still going to limit the exposure that’s going to get you in front of the right buyer that’s going to pay you the most, in the shortest time possible, with the least amount of headaches.
4. ‘I Need to Talk to My Spouse First’
AGENT: Of course, I would do the same thing. Why don’t we do this: Let’s pencil in an appointment for Thursday at 6:00 or 4:00 on Saturday, and if your spouse nixes the idea, we can regroup.
Here’s a live example from REDX:
5. ‘We’re Going to Re-list With the Same Agent’
Stay positive, then ask if they’ve signed a contract yet. If they have, wish them luck and offer your services in the future for advice or for referrals. If they haven’t, then go into objection handler:
AGENT: OK, I totally understand that. Can I ask you a question, though? Why do you think you’ll get a different result doing the same thing? What is your agent planning on doing differently this time?
I get it. He seems like a really nice guy. Here’s an idea—if you have 15 minutes, would you be interested in getting a second opinion if it would mean selling your home for more money and fewer headaches?
6. ‘We’re Going to Wait Until Spring/Summer/Fall to List Again’
Most scripts have you go over the seller’s motivations for moving near the beginning, so reminding them of that can help overcome this objection. Still, it’s a common objection, so here are a few ideas for handling it:
We Are Only Looking for Low-fee Agents. Can You Discount Your Commission?

AGENT: I understand that commissions can seem daunting to your bottom line. I know I freaked out when I found out how much my contractor wanted to charge me to refinish my floors, but you have to remember that discount agents discount their services for a reason.
No. I’m worth the full price, and frankly, I would be concerned with a cut-rate broker. Why are they offering discounts?
If I could get you XX more for your home—would that change your mind?
8. ‘I’ve Never Heard of / Don’t Like Your Brokerage’
If they’ve never heard of you: I hear you. We’re a relatively new startup, but our founder launched several successful businesses before this one. She was also the agent who sold the clock tower listing in Brooklyn. If you’d like, I’d love for you to come by our new office for a coffee.
Well, we’re a brand-new company dedicated to treating our customers with the respect they deserve. While we’ve only been around for four years, we closed more than XX transactions per year and have hundreds of glowing reviews on Yelp and Zillow, which I would be happy to send you.
If they don’t like your brokerage: I’m sorry you had a bad experience with one of our agents, but rest assured, that agent no longer works with us. More to the point, you need to realize that all real estate agents are independent contractors. My managing broker has almost no involvement in how I market or sell your home. It’s entirely on me. I would be happy to personally go over some testimonials from previous clients when we meet on Thursday.
9. ‘The Last Agent Said They Could Sell It for XXX More’
AGENT: I understand you’re looking to get the best price possible here, but you should understand that valuing a home is not a simple process, and some agents offer the world in order to get their foot in the door.
Hey, I hear you. You want the best price possible for your home since you put so much love into rebuilding it. That said, pricing your home too high will mean more time on the market, which will mean the home will look off to every new buyer who sees it the longer it sits on the market.
Also, you may be cutting out an entire price range of buyers; for example, most people search within a range. If your home is over XXXXXX, then people may never even see it even if you would take XXXX. Instead of alienating potential buyers and keeping the home on the market forever, if we price it properly, to begin with, we’ll get more offers, and ideally better offers.
10. ‘Why Didn’t You Sell My House Before?’
Kevin Ward, Founder, YesMasters.com
Get all of Kevin’s free scripts here
11. ‘What Are You Going to Do That My Last Agent/Other Agents Couldn’t?’
AGENT: How about get the house sold, for starters? I have a XX-step marketing plan that we will tailor to your property. My team spends xxx per month for leads and we get more leads than … We have an in-depth plan that might take me 15 minutes to go over in detail, and some of it will depend on your house and what you want as a client. Are you free Thursday at 3:00 or would you prefer Friday at 2:30 for a walk-through?
12. ‘You’re the 50th Agent Who Called Today!!’
Kevin Ward, Founder, YesMasters.com
Here’s Kevin again on how to reply to what will inevitably be a common complaint from your expired leads.
What’s Your Favorite Expired Listing Script?
Have a great expired listing script or objection handler? Let us know in the comments.