Few things are more annoying than being pestered by a real estate agent when you just want to be left alone. For some reason, agents at open houses don’t think this rule applies to them. Instead, they butt into private conversations with their salesy open house scripts and then act shocked when their sign-up sheet doesn’t have any phone numbers on it.
Since we want you to connect with new prospects and get more leads, we worked with top-producing agents at Douglas Elliman to compile this list of nine open house scripts and ice breakers that will actually get you phone numbers at your next open house.
1. Ice Breaker: ‘Are You an Agent, or a Victim?’
Laurie Kradin, Associate Broker, Douglas Elliman California

“Humor is a great icebreaker. I’ve tongue-in-cheek said: ‘Are you an agent or a victim?’ as in vampire movies. Also, a real old-timer in the business passed this on to me: ‘Are you an agent or a normal person?’”
2. Ice Breaker + Script: ‘Stay as Long or Short as You Want’ + Offer a Same-day Private Showing
Laura Marie, Agent, Douglas Elliman Florida & Miltiadis Kastanis, Director of Luxury Sales, Douglas Elliman Florida

I have a formula I use, and this is a solid part of the questions to ask and how to implement the questions.
Agent: “Welcome, you are (get their names)? Stay as long as you want or as short as you want.”
Then I walk away and let them wander. Then I find them and ask them by name:
Agent: “Do you want to buy it?”
Generally, they will say no, which leads to the next question:
Agent: “What are you looking for?”
Agent: “Hmmm, I think I’ve seen your dream/perfect home, I’m done here at ______, let’s go take a look. It’s only going to take us five minutes.”
Set the appointment right then and go see a home or two. I’ve found offering showings on the same day has the highest conversion.
Elliman Florida broker Miltiadis Kastanis also offers private showings on the same day:

I like to always invite them back. I think the serious ones come back for a private tour. So I always say:
Agent: “If you could see yourself living here, why don’t you come back later today after the open house. How is 6:00?”
Free PDF Download: 9 Open House Scripts & Ice Breakers
Send these 9 best real estate open house scripts to your inbox! Download them. Print them. And know your favorite ice breakers by heart before your next open house.
3. Ice Breaker: If You Lived Here, You’d Be Home Now’
Cuppy Kraft, Associate Broker, Douglas Elliman Florida

“In this fast-paced market, I haven’t had a recent opportunity to hold an open house, but in the past, I’ve had success with ‘If you lived here, you’d be home now.’ It’s a good ice breaker and usually brings a smile to a buyer or Looky Lou’s face.”
4. Script: Offer Your Door-knocking Services
Roya Oveisi, Douglas Elliman California

One of the things I say at open houses that have landed me contact info is:
Agent: “As part of my great customer service, I work proactively to find the ideal home for my buyers by going door-to-door in their favorite neighborhoods and knocking on doors to see if they want to sell. This way, you will be the only one to make an offer with no competition. Would you like me to provide that level of service to you?”
Lead: “Yes.”
Agent: “Great. Please give me your contact info so I can keep you posted.”
[Related article: Door Knocking for Real Estate in: Will It Still Work? (+ Tips & Scripts)]
5. Script: Just Ask for Their Business
Denine Kerns, Douglas Elliman California

Agent: “Welcome to our open house! Take a look around and let me know what you think.”
Then later, after they have had a chance to go through the home, I ask:
Agent: “How long have you been looking for a home? And have you found anything that you liked that you missed out on? If so, how’s that working out for you? Are you ready to work with an agent and team who goes out of their way to find you the home you want to buy? We will send letters, knock on doors, call into neighborhoods to get the local scoop, and so on, just to help find you the perfect home!”
6. Script: Gift Basket Drawing
Carrie Juliao, Douglas Elliman Florida

I always make a gift basket for my open houses. The price point of the house decides the size of the basket. The baskets include seasonal items, gift cards to local restaurants that I get donated, and a variety of other items that I come across that people love to see in baskets. Sometimes I will have two baskets and do two different drawings.
After I greet them, I say:
Agent: “If you don’t mind, please sign in for me so you can be entered into the drawing for the gift basket. A lot of great items in here! And the winner will be drawn at the end of the open house.”
The sign-in sheet and gift basket are always there together at the entrance, and I also have a sign beside it that says the same thing. I also don’t label my sign-in sheet as “Open House sign-in.” I always label it whatever theme I call my basket. For example, my last one was “Tropical Oasis.” I added several items for the beach and a few gift cards to waterfront restaurants, a beach towel, tropical smelling candle, sunscreen, and so forth.
7. Script: Offer Exclusive Listings From Your Brokerage
Kelly Taylor, Douglas Elliman Long Island

Agent: “If you would like to be contacted with Douglas Elliman’s EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS that are not on the aggregates, please leave me the correct and legible contact information for you.”
8. Script: Offer to Send Comps to Prove the Listing Is Well-priced
Will Metzger, Douglas Elliman Hamptons

Agent: “There are a few other homes on the market right now that show this open house home you are in is well-priced. Just write down your email on the sign-in sheet, and we can send you the necessary NY State disclosure forms and the information on those homes.”
9. Script: Admit the Negative, Offer Up a Positive
Michael Daly, Douglas Elliman Hamptons & Robert Taub, Douglas Elliman New York City

Agent: “Tell me what you like MOST about the property, and tell me what you like LEAST about it as well.”
It opens the door for honest conversation and also provides the opportunity to address objections we may never hear because they may be reluctant to being what they perceive as “negative.”
Here’s the script Elliman New York City agent Robert Taub uses when, like almost all Manhattan listings, the views are not as amazing as people think they might be:

Agent: “Although there’s no view, the light is great, and you do see a sliver of the river.”
Useful Open House Links & Resources
If you’re still using paper sign-in sheets in 2022, it’s time to join 140,000 other agents and use Spacio. Spacio is more than just an easy-to-use sign-in app for your tablet. It comes with tools to market your listings and even pulls social media profiles from your leads.
[Related Article: 29 Open House Ideas That Will Actually Get You Leads]
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Over to You
Have a great open house script that you swear by? Let us know in the comments.
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